Thursday, November 7, 2019

Teaching Strategy to Young learners: See-Think-Wonder

Designing good teaching strategies for teachers is important to engage young learners in learning process. It can make that young learners will become more enjoyable and fun in obtaining new knowledge. One of the strategies to make the students interest and creative in exploring their ideas is see think and wonder.  See is for “ What do you see”. Think is for “what do you think is going on”. Wonder is for “what does it make you wonder?”

  1. Show the object to young learners. 
  2. After showing the picture,  the teachers ask the student to apply  see-think-wonder strategies 
  3. See:  young learner will see the object and write all things that they see on the object. You can do this activities about 10 minutes. 
  4. Wonder:  young learner will try to think about the object “ what do you think is going on”
  5. Wonder: the teacher will ask young learners to make questions about the objects, and young    learner will write all the questions that they have.  


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