Monday, November 4, 2019

Teaching Strategy to Young learner: K-W-L Chart

Have you ever used this strategy in your class? this strategy is very helpful for linking the previous knowledge and new material. The  strategy is employed to help  young learners organize information that they obtain in the beginning activity, running activity and closing activity in the classroom. K means “what do you know about the subject”. W means  “what do you want to know about the subject”. Then, L means “what did you learned”  
What are you going to do K-W-L chart. Here is some procedures that you can apply.
1.       Write K-W-L chart in whiteboard or make it with cartoon paper. You can design it beautifully and put it as a poster in the classroom. You can also give handout. It depends on your situation and your students’ needs. However, I suggest to make a poster because young learners like colorful theme.
2.       Sticky paper 1. Start the class with showing object or picture related to learning material. give them three colorful sticky paper in their table. Ask them to write  what do they know the object or the picture”. Young learners will try recall their memory about the object. This activity will help make active their prior knowledge and organize information.  
3.       Sticky paper 2.  Continued by writing “what do you want to know about the subject”. young learners will write some questions about the object. This activity will make young learners be more creative thinker and explore the subject more deeply. Then ask them to stick the paper 1 and 2 in K and W chart
4.       Sticky paper 3. The objective of lesson is  that the students comprehend the teaching material taught. In the last sticky paper, young learners will write down “what did they learn”. this activity is applied as conclusion time. This helps teachers know that the young learners understand or not about lesson or answer all questions from young learners.  Moreover, you can also asks them to read what they have already written down in their paper.


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