How about the end of young learner’s age? According to Cameron, young learner is being learner aged between five and twelve years old, so the young learner’s age is in elementary school. while this is not universally applicable, it may be applicable in some regions but the others not, for example: in Indonesia and Korea (Jackons:2012 about teaching young learners in Korea: Adapting and Material to meet their needs article) is work. Most of Indonesian Young learners do finish elementary school education at age of twelve. Moreover, in Indonesia the learners generally learn English in the fourth grade for public school and in the first grade for private school , and there is issue that the subject will be removed from elementary curriculum. However, Nowadays,the learners still learn English.
From the Violetta & irrene and Cameron statements, there is the deep differences between young learners’ definition especially, starting age of young learner, I do agree that to learn language is the sooner the better based in Violltta & Irrene. However, learner can be separated from “school word”. It means they start study or learn in school. Eventually, everything backs to school.
see the next article about
- Young Learners' Characteristics
- The Role of Teacher Talk for Young Learner in The Classroom
- Characteristics of Teacher for young learners
- Challenges in Teaching English to Young Learner
Teaching Language to Young Learners Book
Young Learners: How Advantageous is the early start? Journal Download PDF
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