Saturday, May 26, 2012

4 Fun Ways To Teach Kids Body Vocab (PART OF BODY)

Most courses for young and very young learners have at least one unit on body parts vocabulary like “hand” and “foot” in them, and the few that don’t certainly should. Not only is this topic great for classes of all ability levels (just add “right little finger” or “thigh” if they seem to know it all), but it is also vital for giving classroom instructions in English during the rest of the course, e.g. while explaining action songs or physical games. There are also loads of games, craft activities, stories and songs including this language point that native speaker kids love and which can be easily be adapted for EFL classes. This article will deal with games and a few craft activities, and other articles on songs and stories will follow. This article will also illustrate another great point about games involving body vocabulary, which is how many other bits of target language they can be linked in with. Examples below include prepositions, classroom vocabulary, any vocabulary that can be represented by flashcards or realia, have got, and possessive S.
1. Whose body?
Give students spoken or written explanations of animals that mainly consist of descriptions of their body parts and get them to guess which animals are being explained. This is most fun with the teacher holding a flashcard or plastic animal so students can’t see it and starting with clues that are less than obvious, e.g. “It has got four legs”. To discourage random shouting out of answers, you could take away one point for each wrong guess. The animals that you choose to use in this game should have at least one distinctive point about their body that can be the final clue, e.g. “It’s got eight legs” (spider or octopus), “Its tail is a circle and it’s got two long teeth” (rabbit) or “It’s got a long neck” (giraffe). The same game is possible with specific characters the students know such as monsters (e.g. Pokémon), robots, cartoon characters or superheroes.
2. Whose body? Two
Show students pictures of just one part of an animal’s body, and they have to guess which animal it is and/ or which part of the body it is. This can be done by cutting up flashcards or other pictures, by covering all but one part of an animal, by using an OHP and covering most of the picture, or similar things with a “spotlight” or similar function on an IWB (interactive whiteboard). Alternatively, the teacher or student can draw or trace the body parts from pictures, or draw them from imagination.
3. Which body part?
A variation of the games above is to use animals, prepositions, shapes etc to describe the body part that the flashcard you have shows until students guess which part it is, e.g. “It’s on your face between your eyes and mouth and elephants have a very long one” for “Nose”. With a high level class, it might even be possible to describe a particular animal’s body part.
4. Body Pictionary
Rather than describing body parts, the teacher or students could just draw them. To add more language to this, the Pictionary prompt cards should have whole phrases or sentences such as “It has got three legs” or “It has two very long legs and two very short legs”. This is more fun if the sentences are a little nutty, e.g. “The car has ears”. You could also draw a whole person or animal with students shouting out when they notice the part that you have drawn wrong (as you were instructed to by the prompt card), e.g. “A giraffe has a long neck, not a short neck!”, “A man has one nose, not two noses!”, or “Your eyes are between your ears, not above your ears!”
a.      vocabulary  list
craft                 : keahlian                                             discourage       : mengecilkan hati      
distinctive       : khusus, tersendiri                              prompt             : cepat
giraffe             : jerapah                                               thigh                : paha
nutty                : yang mengandung kacang-kacangan notice             : pemberitahuan
trace                : bekas                                                 guess               : menebak
b.      playing with vocabulary 
a. the picture body 
b. labeling the word

c.       READING
Reading the text above and then answer these questions
a.        Mention 4 Fun Ways To Teach Kids Body Vocab!
b.      explain the instrutions to play “whose body”!
c.       why the children like games?
d.      which one the games above that you like much! explain it?
a.      listening

look and listen the video!!!
Head Ear Arm Leg
Hair Mouth Siku Tumit
Face Teeth Hand Foot
Eye Neck Finger Toe
Nose   shoulder back
b.      SPEAKING (practice with your peers)
c.       wrtting
a.       choose 5 of the words above and then make the sentence
for example
head : My head is a big...
(anwers it) OK..