Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Lesson Plan: Teaching Conditional Sentence Type 1 to Grade 6

Conditional sentence is divided into three types. They are  type I, II and III. Here, we focus on conditional type I. Conditional sentence type 1 is often called the “real” conditional because it is used for real or possible situations.
If Simple Present, Simple Future
The example of type I
 “If I am adult, I will be a doctor”
Grade    : 6
Duration: 2 x 40 minutes
Learning  objective

  1.  Write  conditional sentence in a sentence
  2. Practice the use of conditional sentence in conversation
Material : conditional sentence
Starting activities (20 minutes)
  • A teacher greets the students and asks the students to pray together
  • The teacher checks attendance list
  • The teacher asks the students to write their dream in a piece of paper
  • The teacher asks question  about the material related to a dream that they write
  • The students will try to answer and guess what they have already understood
  • The teacher tells the students what they are going to study and explain the goal of learning numbers
  • The teacher uses teaching strategy:  K-W-L to help students make active their  prior knowledge

Running activities (50 minutes)
Exploration activities

  •  The teacher explain about conditional sentence by showing the picture or video 
  • The students will listen  a song “smile” by  Charlie Chaplin and “time after time” by   Cyndi Lauper) and they will answer the question 
  • They will identify  and underline conditional sentence in the sentence.

2.      Elaboration
  •  The students discuss their answer  together
  •  The students will make a conditional sentence from the dream that they write in the beginning of the classroom
  • The students will play “catch the ball”

3.      Confirmation       
  •  The teacher will ask the students about the material that the students do not understand
  • The teacher gives feedback about the students’ work

Closing activities
  •         The teacher concludes the lesson
  •         The teacher closes the meeting and ask one of the students to lead pray


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