Numbers are divided into two kinds they are cardinal
number and ordinal number. In this section, lesson plan that I will explain is cardinal number. Cardinal number includes one,
two, three, four, etc. the numbers that you can use depends on your students’
Grade :
Duration :
2 x 40 minutes
Learning objective
- Mention the numbers
- Draw the numbers
- List the number
Material :
Numbers 1-10
Starting activities (15 minutes)
- . A teacher greets the students and asks the students to pray together
- . The teacher checks attendance list
- The teacher shows the pictures of numbers and asks the students about the picture
- . The students will try to answer and guess what they have already understood
- The teacher tells the students what they are going to study and explain the goal of learning numbers
Running activities (55 minutes)
1. The
teacher shows the video about the numbers (singing the number)
2. After
showing the teacher ask the students to find the number in the classroom (the
teacher have already put the numbers in the classroom
3. After
finding the number, the students sits on their seat
Elaboration activities
1. The
students mention the number that they find
2. The
students list numbers with their pairs and discuss the number on the cartoon
3. After
listing the number, the students draw numbers on lined paper
4. The
students report their discussion and show their work
Confirmation activities
1. The
teacher gives a change for students to explain their work and ask questions
about what they do not understand
2. The
teacher mentions the number together with her/his students
3. The
teacher lists the numbers and singing the number together with the students
Closing activities (10 minutes)
1. The
teacher concludes the lesson
2. The
teacher closes the meeting and ask one of the students to lead pray
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