Thursday, January 26, 2017

Journal of Young Learners' Teaching Methods

  1. Different Approaches to Teaching English as Foreign Language to Young Learners Download PDF
  2. Young Learners' Language Learning Via Computer games Download PDF
  3. Contextualizing Young Learners' English Lesson with Cartoons: Focus on Grammar and Vocabulary Download PDF
  4. A Model of Using Social Media for Collaborative Learning to Enhance Learners’ Performance on Learning Download PDF 
  5. The Effect of application of picture into picture audio- visual aids on vocabulary learning of young Iranian ELF learners Download PDF
  6. Teaching English Vocabulary Via Drama Download PDF
  7. Teaching English to Very Young Learner Download PDF
  8. Applying a biopsychosocial perspective to address hand washing behaviors among young learners in Limpopo, South Africa Download PDF 
  9. The Impact of Scaffolding on Content Retention of Iranian Post-elementary EFL Learners’ Summary Writing Download PDF 
  10. Research Communiqué on the Use of Animated Cartoons in Teaching English to Children with Disorders and Disabilities Download PDF   
  11. Encouraging young learners to learn English through stories Download PDF

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