Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Book Review of Teaching Language to Young Learners (Cambridge Language Teaching Library)

This is a book about teaching that puts learning in the center of the frame, particularly teaching foreign language to young children, which in this book will mean those between five and twelve  years of age.
The organization of the book
Chapter 1 : Children Learning a foreign language
The book starts with a review of learning theories from   Piaget, Vygostky, and Burner.  The book also describes advantages to starting young with foreign language, and summary of key principles
Chapter 2 : Learning language through tasks and activities
This chapter describes about the task as an environment for learning, task demands, task support, balancing demands and support, the importance of language learning goals, defining  ‘task’ for young learner classrooms,  stages in a classroom task, Hani’s Weekend: Possible  Preparation and follow-up activities, task as plan and task-in-action
Chapter 3: Learning in spoken language
This chapter describes about guiding principles of learning the spoken language, discourse and discourse events, meaning first, analysis  of a task-in-action, effective support for children’s foreign language discourse skills, short activities for learning the spoken language, supporting the written language, using dialogues, and summary
Chapter 4: learning Words
This chapter describes about vocabulary development in children's language learning, organization of words in language, learning and teaching vocabulary, children's’ vocabulary learning strategies and summary.
Chapter 5: Learning grammar
This chapter describes about a place for grammar, different meaning of grammar, development of the internal grammar, Development of the internal grammar, A learning-centered approach to teaching grammar background, Principles for learning-centered  grammar teaching, teaching techniques for supporting  grammar learning and summary.
Chapter 6: Learning literacy skills
This chapter describes about literacy skills in English, factors affecting  learning to read in English as a foreign language, starting to read and write in English as foreign language, continuing to learn to read, developing reading and writing as discourse skills, and summary
Chapter 7: Learning through stories
This chapter describes about stories and themes as holistic approaches to language teaching and learning, the discourse organization of stories, language use in stories, Quality in stories, choosing stories to promote language learning, ways of using a story, developing  tasks around a story, developing tasks around a story, and summary
Chapter 8: Theme-based teaching and learning
This chapter describes about issues around theme-based teaching, theme based teaching of a foreign language, planning theme-based teaching, learning  language through theme –based teaching, learning language through theme-based teaching, and summary.
Chapter 9: language choice and language learning
This chapter describes about patterns of first language use in foreign language classrooms,  dynamics of language choice and use, taking responsibility, making choice, and summary
Chapter 10: Assessment and language learning
This chapter describes about issues in assessing children's’ language learning, principles for assessing children's language learning, key concepts in assessment,  teacher assessment of language learning, self-assessment and learner autonomy, use of assessment information, and messages from assessment.
Chapter 11: Issues around teaching children a foreign language
This chapter  describes about reviews of the ideas, the need of the research, the need to develop pedagogy, and teaching foreign languages to children.

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