Sunday, January 6, 2019

How to Design Oral Presentation for Sixth Grader

This was my students' activities in the classroom when they had the first formative of English. They designed their own brochure and present it in front of the classroom
Here the story
In week 8th, grade 6 students had the first formative of English. The test was not written test; however, it was oral presentation. Before doing the presentation, we had prepared our presentation for a week. Our preparation was making a brochure about our experience we ever did. It was related to simple past material. Simple past is used to indicate those actions which began in the past time and also got over in the past time

In our brochure, we should decide the tittle, draw a cover and a map, make outline, write our story, and add our family photograph. It was fun because we designed it by ourselves as beautiful as we could.
Not only we made it the brochure and presented in front of the classroom, but also we had rules like oral presentation rubric including using complete sentences, the way we spoke, volume, posture/Gesture and eye contact, and content; and brochure rubric such as written presentation and visual appeal that we should follow to get excellent score.
During the presentation time, we should carefully listen to other presentations by writing our friends’ topics and giving comment to friend’s presentation. We really tried our best and enjoyed doing our test. Then, we hope that we could achieve a good result.  


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